Safety riding mengerem mendadak mendahulukan rem depan itu sangat berbahaya, ngerem tidak bisa pakai angka rasio

Artikel tentang ketidak setujuan penulis terhadap metode mengendarai ajaran safety riding dan artikel tentang sistem CBS yang bikin celaka mengundang banyak komentar yang membuat penulis ingin untuk membuat artikel ini. Artikel tersebut bisa dibaca di link berikut:
Tidak setuju dengan metode di “Teknik Pengereman Ideal Pada Sepeda Motor Roda Dua”
Combi brake system penyebab celaka, naik matik Honda dengan CBS harus extra hati – hati!

Karena dari komentar ternyata ada juga rider yang mengandalkan hanya rem depan saja, ada juga yang menganggap rem CBS itu sebagai rem yang aman dipakai. Penulis membuat artikel ini sebagai pertimbangan agar rider tidak hanya mengandalkan rem depan saja, dan juga memperhatikan prioritas mana dulu yang diaktifkan.

Artikel ini agak panjang, jadi penulis sebutkan kesimpulannya dulu. Untuk mengerem, untuk bisa berhenti lebih cepat memang rem depan yang harus lebih kuat daya pengeremannya. Namun untuk amannya, sebaiknya rem belakang dulu yang diprioritaskan. Karena selipnya roda belakang cenderung lebih aman daripada roda depan yang selip. Bila roda depan yang selip, maka motor bisa jatuh walau sedang jalan lurus.

Memang sebaiknya jangan sampai selip dua duanya. Oleh karena itu biasakan untuk mengerem sedikit/separuh dulu kemudian baru diperbanyak. Tapi cara ini tidak baik dilakukan di motor matik Honda yang dilengkapi CBS (akan dijelaskan kemudian).


Yang dibahas disini adalah panic braking, atau pengereman mendadak. Jadi mohon dibedakan dengan pengereman yang direncanakan. Pada pengereman yang direncanakan kita sudah bisa memperkirakan keadaan jalan dan seberapa banyak kita butuh mengerem.

Penulis kurang setuju dengan metode pengereman yang membagi bagi porsi depan dan belakang. Semacam yang disebut berikut:
2. Gunakan Kedua Rem

Melakukan rem mendadak harus menggunakan rem depan dan belakang secara bersamaan. Untuk melakukannya, gunakan 75% rem bagian depan dan 25% bagian belakang untuk mengentikan laju motor secara cepat. Bila menggunakan salah satu bagian saja akan menimbulkan slip pada roda dan dapat membuat motor terjatuh.

Sekarang ini kebanyakan motor rem depan pakai cakram rem belakang pakai tromol. Atau bila belakangnya juga cakram, pasti ukuran piringan lebih kecil dari yang depan. Sehingga sistem pengereman sepeda motor sudah dari aslinya rem depan akan punya daya pengereman lebih baik dari rem belakang. Apa ya pengendara masih harus melakukan rasio tersebut juga?

Apa pengendara harus menyetel tekanan tangan untuk tuas rem depan 75% dan tekanan tangan / kaki untuk tuas rem belakang 25% dengan kondisi tersebut? Menurut penulis itu sulit dilakukan dan bukan cara yang bagus.

Idealnya adalah bila pengendara bisa tahu batas seberapa kekuatan tekanan pada tuas rem bisa membuat daya pengereman kuat tanpa membuat roda selip. Ini butuh latihan dan pemahaman. Sistem bisa sama, tapi beda plat nomer bisa beda rasanya walau tipenya ngeplek sama persis.

Dan menurut penulis daya tekanan optimal untuk tuas rem depan dan belakang bisa jadi tidak akan 75% dan 25%. Untuk realnya bisa jadi ketemunya depan 75% dan belakang 90%. Lho kok dijumlah lebih dari 100%? Ini karena penulis anggap rem depan itu terpisah dari rem belakang. Jadi 75% itu 75% dari full nya rem depan, 90% itu 90% dari fullnya rem belakang. Sementara 100% itu batas kalau ngelock. Jadi ini angka persen seberapa banyak kita menekan tuas rem.

Ini beda dari pengertian kutipan diatas dimana angkanya adalah distribusi daya pengereman di roda. Bila misalnya itu angka mengacu pada seberapa kuat kita menekan tuas rem. Maka bila kita menekan rem dengan kekuatan 3% depan dan 1% belakang (dari full) juga rasio masih sesuai 75% depan dan 25% belakang. Kekuatan 100% depan (ngelock) dan 33% belakang juga masih sesuai dengan rasio 75% depan dan 25% belakang. Jadi angka itu menurut penulis tidak bisa dipakai.

Bila misalnya angka itu mengacu pada seberapa banyak daya pengereman yang terkirim ke roda, maka penulis kok sama sekali nggak yakin bisa menghitungnya. Terus terang penulis tidak tahu caranya. Apalagi rem depan beda dari rem belakang. Tekanan rem sekian lebih pakem rem depan sekian. Berapa persisnya, entahlah. Belum lagi beda motor beda distribusi berat. Belum lagi faktor rider dan penumpang. Belum lagi faktor friksi jalan. Belum lagi bila daya grip / merek roda beda. Belum lagi kalau hujan atau jalan kering. Rasanya tidak masuk akal untuk menghitung daya pengereman.

Bila misalnya angka itu mengacu seberapa banyak sebelum roda ngelock, rasanya kok makin ngaco. Penulis sih kalau bisa 99% depan dan 99% belakang, roda depan dan belakang sama sama hampir ngelock semua. Ngapain depan cuma pakai 75% yang belakang cuma 25%, jelas nggak maksimal.


Penulis juga kurang setuju bila pemakaian rem disesuaikan dengan kecepatan, semacam berikut ini:

Rem Mendadak

2. Komposisi
Gunakanlah rem depan dan belakang secara bersamaan. Komposisinya sangat tergantung kecepatan. Pada kecepatan hingga 30 kpj, penggunan rem belakang lebih dominan sekitar 80%. Pada kecepatan 30 hingga 60 kpj, komposisinya adalah, rem depan 60% dan rem belakang 40%. Pada kecepatan lebih dari itu, gunakanlah rem depan 80% dan rem belakang 20%. Prosentasi itu tentunya berdasarkan pengalaman yang akan meningkat sesuai dengan perjalanan kita masing-masing. Ciri pengereman yang berhasil adalah, tidak adanya suara decit ban, meskipun pada kecepatan tinggi.

Kalau penulis sendiri dalam kondisi atau kecepatan apapun akan membiasakan pakai kedua rem dengan mendahulukan rem belakang. Dalam kondisi apapun, kalau harus berhenti mendadak penulis tidak merubah rasio. Sebisa mungkin depan 99% dan belakang 99%. tidak pakai distribusi pengereman.

Kalau pengereman tidak harus mendadak penulis juga akan tetap pakai cara yang sama, namun kekuatan disesuaikan dengan jarak pengereman yang dibutuhkan.

Berbeda dengan kutipan tersebut, menurut penulis pengereman maksimal itu bunyi berdecit. Ini harus dibedakan dengan suara ban saat selip. Ban selip kok rasanya tidak berdecit dari yang selama ini penulis alami, bunyi mungkin seeerrr. Sementara itu bila kekuatan pengereman mendekati limit ngelock, maka justru roda jadi berdecit. Suara cit cit cit rapat dan cepat, semacam driiiiit. Ini sering dialami kalau pakai engine brake. Habis shift down ban mencicit sebentar. Penulis pakai acuan suara mencicit untuk menentukan maksimal tidaknya pengereman. Ini tentu kalau pakai ban bagus, jalannya bersih dan kering.


Penulis kurang setuju dengan saran berikut ini:
ART Riding di Jalan Berlubang, Tips Pengereman, Upayakan Tidak Mendadak!

Bagi pengendara cewek, dalam pengamatan Dudut, seringkali khawatir terjatuh ketika menggunakan rem depan. Mereka kebanyakan hanya mengandalkan satu rem, yakni rem belakang. Honda sebenarnya sudah melakukan langkah antisipasi yakni menerapkan teknologi combi brake, yakni menekan satu tuas rem, dengan pintar teknologi ini akan melakukan pengereman di dua sektor secara bersamaan, depan-belakang.
“Teknologi ini bisa juga dimanfaatkan untuk mereka yang terkadang lupa atau takut menggunakan rem secara terpisah,” jelas instruktur berkacamata ini lebih lanjut.

Memang harusnya pakai rem tidak cuma yang belakang saja. Namun jangan sampai meniru cara kerja rem CBSnya Honda Indonesia. Karena pada sistem pengereman CBS Honda, maka rem depan yang aktif lebih dahulu. Ini karena sudah ciri dari sistem rem cakram yang ditekan sedikit sudah aktif. Sementara itu rem belakang yang tromol butuh penekanan lebih banyak.

Salah bila berhenti mendadak hanya mengandalkan rem CBS saja, karena jelas kekuatan rem depan CBS itu lemah.

Sangat berbahaya bila menekan tuas rem CBS dan tuas rem depan bersama sama, atau bila rem depan sudah duluan bergunsi, karena sistem penggerak dari CBS akan juga ikut menekan tuas rem depan pada saat CBS ditekan, sehingga tekanan rem depan jadi berlebihan. Ini bisa dirasakan pada saat berhenti. Coba tekan tuas rem depan sedikit (tidak maksimal), lalu tekan tuas rem CBS. Maka tuas rem depan akan terasa bergerak lebih menekan.


Penggunaan rem depan sendiri dikatakan berbahaya. Dan bila dibiasakan maka pada saat panik bisa membuat motor jatuh. Kutipan berikut melarang kita mengandalkan hanya rem depan saja. Dan menyarankan untuk mendahulukan rem belakang.

10 Motorcycle Safety Tips I Learned Riding A Harley Davidson Through The Mountains

5. Never Use The Front Brake First
When a raccoon leaps out at you, a semi decides to change lanes or your exit pops up out of nowhere and it’s time to hit the brakes and shed that speed, never hit the front brakes first. NEVER. You must train your instincts to always go for the rear brake first. If you grab the front break with any kind of enthusiasm at speed, you will eat it. This is not a question; it is a fact. Brake first with your foot, not your hand — you’ll be glad you did.


Myth #1: Use Only the Front Brake
This train of thought goes something like: “Since the majority of a motorcycle’s braking power comes from the front brake, don’t use the rear brake at all. In fact, as the weight shifts forward during heavy braking, the rear brake becomes more likely to lock up and cause you to crash.”

Always question advice that suggests you do something because the other way is difficult to master. Unless you are braking so hard that the rear wheel of your motorcycle is in the air, you can shorten your stopping distance with proper application of the rear brake. It is true that as the weight of the motorcycle shifts forward, less traction is available to the rear tire for braking, but in order to master the use of your brakes, you need to use both of them for every stop. While there are instances, such as when a tire blows out, when you would only want to use one brake, the best way to master the control of either brake is to use them on a regular basis.

So, how do you stop in the shortest distance possible? The textbook response states you should achieve full application of both brakes without skidding. As you apply more and more pressure on the front brake (up to the point of lockup), you will have more traction available to the front tire (for more braking) resulting in progressively less traction available to the rear. To keep from skidding the rear wheel, you will need to modulate the rear brake. For every Racer X those pundits cite for not using his rear brake when stopping, there is a Racer Y who uses just a little rear brake to settle the rear suspension and a Racer Z who uses a lot. Also, these examples don’t readily apply to street riders since skilled racers know exactly where the point of brake lockup is, while most of us are far from that point with the front brake&#151even in panic-stop situations.


Canyon roads offer a number of rear-brake opportunities, although the varying speeds mean the benefits – and reasons for using the brake – vary drastically. Biggest difference is that you can use the rear brake to adjust your speed through the middle of a corner. If you find yourself carrying too much speed through a sweeping turn, for example, hold the throttle steady and apply a small amount of rear brake to scrub some speed and tighten your line. Applying the front brake and/or chopping the throttle, in contrast, will transfer an adverse amount of weight onto the front tire and test tire traction limits, which could ultimately result in a crash. In all cases, using the rear brake will flatten the bike out and make it steer a small amount slower, but the added stability quickly offsets what’s lost in regards to agility.

Motorcycle Braking Tips

This information was originally published in the New Zealand Motorcycle Safety Consultants Megarider eNewsletter

6. Is there a special braking technique that ensures that a rider will get the best out of a motorcycle’s brakes?
Yes. The process is called STAGED BRAKING and it involves the rider applying the motorcycle’s brakes in a staged process. This gives the rider predictable, progressive braking.

7. In an emergency do we concentrate on using staged braking on both front and back brakes?
The American Motorcycle Safety Foundation teaches their instructors that “in an emergency braking situation you should apply the back brake hard and let the back wheel slide if it wants to. This way you can concentrate on what is happening up front; there’s enough to think about in the use of the front brake.

US Motorcycle Safety Foundation – You and your motorcycle riding tips

Emergency Braking
Apply both brakes to their maximum, just short of locking them up. Practice in an open, good-surfaced place, such as a clean parking lot.

Keep the motorcycle upright and traveling in a straight line; and look where you’re going, not where you’ve just been.

You don’t want to lock the front brake. If the wheel does chirp, release the brake for a split second, then immediately reapply without locking it up.

If your rear wheel locks up, do not release the brake. If your handlebars are straight, you will skid in a straight line, which is all right. You have a more important priority and that is to get stopped! Read on and we will talk more about “skids.”


Dikatakan juga bahwa untuk beberapa rider, mengandalkan rem depan saja bisa membuat kendaran berhenti lebih cepat. Namun juga dikatakan bahwa di jalan licin pakai rem depan duluan dijamin membuat kendaraan jatuh.
Stopping Fast

Lets talk first about locking up the rear tire. It’s easy to do. It doesn’t take much pressure on the pedal for the rear brake to lock-up and in most cases can cause unnecessary problems. With a locked-up rear tire you lose valuable traction and the back-end has a tendency to fishtail, or skid violently to one side or the other. Less pressure on the rear brake pedal will help to prevent this from happening, and if you do lock it up, just let off the pressure gently until it is no longer locked. Don’t slam it on, and don’t completely let the pressure off.

I personally don’t use the rear brake at all, except if I happen to run off the track, or off the road and end up in gravel or dirt. Then I will use the rear brake to help me slow down because a grab on the front brake will surely send me face first into the ground. On a sportbike, you can get 100% of your braking done with the front, and even on bigger and heavier bikes like cruisers, most of the braking can be done with the front only.

I did a series of braking exercises with several riders on various models and brands of motorcycles. First, their speed and stopping distance was measured with them using a combination of both front and rear brakes, and then measured the same speed with the rider just using their front brakes. To the surprise of many of the riders, the stopping distance and execution was better when they used the front brake only. I’m not saying that you have to do this, or that you shouldn’t use the rear brake at all, only that it is possible to attain better results. Try it.

Most riders have experienced, to some degree, the feeling of locking-up the rear tire and are somewhat comfortable with it. Locking-up the front wheel on a motorcycle, however, is much more elusive and therefore when it does happen, it can be one of the most terrifying experiences of riding.

Avoid snatching the front brake or squeezing hard and fast at the end of braking.

Mungkin karena pengendara bisa lebih berkonsentrasi mengatur daya pengereman di ban depan saja membuat pengendara bisa membuat motor berhenti lebih cepat. Menurut penulis, bila rider sudah terbiasa memaksimalkan pakai rem depan belakang, mestinya pengereman juga akan jadi lebih pendek. Jadi menurut penulis, lebih aman bila dibiasakan untuk pakai rem belakang terlebih dahulu. Karena kebiasaan ini yang menentukan reaksi kita pada saat panik.

Jadi jangan dituruti instruksi safety riding berikut:

Instrukturnya menyarankan pakai rem depan dulu baru rem belakang. Namun kenyataannya banyak yang jatuh karena pakai rem depan duluan.


Sementara itu pada saat jalan sangat licin disarankan justru pakai rem belakang saja atau engine brake.

Pelajari teknik pengereman yang benar dan tepat, tetap safety riding

Di dalam tikungan, kita dilarang mengerem depan! Karena itu bisa berbahaya bisa menyebabkan motor slip dan terguling, cukup memakai rem belakang dan gas yang konstan. Juga posisi kendaraan jangan dari dalam tikungan, tapi dari sisi luar tikungan. Agar kita tidak panik saat menemui kejadian mendadak, karena pandangan dari sisi luar lebih luas.

Bagaimana dengan lokasi berpasir dan beroli/minyak yang di mana licin sekali? Caranya ya jangan melakukan pengereman di sana. Berbahaya. Cukup lakukan engine brake saja, apit kedua kaki dengan kuat pada badan motor. Usahakan motor tidak mobat-mabit, stang motor pegang kuat. Gas tetep konstan. Kalau matic? Ya pakai rem belakang tapi jangan terlalu kencang, gas juga tetap konstan agar motor tidak ambruk. Jangan melakukan pengereman mendadak.


Diatas adalah teorinya, berikut adalah buktinya. Video – video berikut adalah contoh dimana penggunaan rem depan membuat motor langsung jatuh, untung tidak menimbulkan korban.


Begitu ban depan selip langsung jatuh meluncur.

Yang berikut lebih serem, sempat rame. Motor jelas jatuh karena terlalu mengandalkan rem depan:
Hubungan antara kecelakaan Ayla vs R25 dengan recall part rem Yamaha R25 dan perilaku motor saat ban depan ngelock karena tanpa ABS


Jadi dengan penjelasan diatas kita bisa tahu bahwa walau sedang jalan lurus sekalipun, ban depan selip itu berbahaya karena bisa langsung membuat motor lepas kendali. Ini berbeda ketika ban belakang yang selip, dengan melepas rem sedikit motor bisa kembali dikendalikan.

Saat dijalan sangat licin disarankan untuk memakai hanya rem belakang saja. Sementara di jalan kering sekalipun disarankan untuk mendahulukan rem belakang. Lalu baru rem depan. Baru disesuikan daya pengereman sehingga bisa maksimal tanpa ban selip. Ini dibiasakan untuk semua kecepatan sehingga pada saat panik maka cara ini juga yang kita lakukan.

Untuk motor Honda dengan CBS seperti misalnya Vario CBS atau Beat CBS juga akan berbahaya bila pakai rem depan dulu. Karena di sistem CBS menggunakan tuas CBS akan juga menambah tekanan tuas rem depan, sehingga rem depan yang asalnya sudah pas bisa jadi kelebihan. Jangan paksakan pakai CBS bila sudah pakai rem depan. Begitu juga saat di tikungan licin, motor semacam itu harus dianggap seperti tidak ada rem belakangnya, lebih aman pakai engine brake, karena di CBS ala Indonesia yang aktif rem depan duluan. Bila dipaksakan pakai CBS maka efek sama dengan menekan rem depan. Jadi harus benar benar ekstra hati hati. Penulis pernah minta CBS dibuat rem belakang saja katanya mekanik tidak bisa dan bisa resiko rem ngelock karena sudah didesain begitu.

CBS itu sistem berbahaya. Apalagi karena rem belakang tidak bisa dibuat aktif terlebih dahulu. Padahal di beberapa kutipan diatas disebutkan bahwa pada situasi jalan sangat licin, disarankan pakai rem belakang saja.

Kalau terpaksa harus beli motor matik Honda, sebaiknya pilih yang tidak ada CBSnya. Penulis juga curiga mengapa demo safety riding Honda kok selalu pakai motor sport. Mengapa kok tidak dipakai menunjukkan hebatnya sistem CBS. Lagipula kan motor matik yang lebih banyak dijual, harus demo safety riding Honda pakainya motor Beat/Vario CBS. Di demokan saat dipakai pengereman ekstrem di tikungan licin. Penulis ingin tahu apa saran safety riding apa beneran bisa diterapkan di Honda Vario / Beat CBS.


Penulis juga tidak setuju dengan teknik berikut:
Teknik Pengereman, Jangan Biasakan Jari di Rem Depan

“Biasakan jari di grip, dan gunakan rem belakang jika laju kendaraan kurang dari 30 km/h. Jangan biasakan ngerem dengan rem depan di kecepatan rendah karena motor akan gelosor,” ujar Training Director Jakarta Defense Driving Consulting (JDCC), Jusri Pulubuhu.
Teknik berikutnya adalah pembagian persentase pengereman. Gunakan paduan rem depan dan belakang dalam kecepatan 30 km/h hingga 80 km/h. “Istilahnya combi brake, dalam kecepatan tersebut pembagian rem depan 70% dan rem belakang 30%,” kata Jusri.
“Jika laju motor diatas 80 km/h jangan gunakan rem belakang. Gunakan rem depan. Tarik perlahan, baru kemudian kasih tekanan dan tuntaskan dengan rem belakang jika motor ingin berhenti. Teknik ini berlaku untuk semua tipe motor, baik motor matik dan sport,” tegasnya.
Hal ini akan membuat rem depan tidak mengunci. Jika ada kondisi darurat maka kocok rem, hentakkan ruas jari di rem depan dan belakang secara bersamaan. “Ada dua alternatif jika malas mengocok rem. Pertama motor kekunci dan tabrakan. Kedua beli motor yang sudah ada ABS-nya,” katanya./blockquote>

Motor justru lebih mudah gelosor karena pemakaian rem depan di kecepatan tinggi (lihat bukti video). Seperti sebelumnya diulas, susah untuk menentukan prosentase. Kita cuma bisa latihan untuk mengetahui limitnya seberapa. Juga jangan biasakan pakai rem depan, karena kalau kaget maka reflek kan jadi berlebihan.

Pengereman mengocok bisa membantu membuat kendaraan terkendali, namun daya henti kalah dengan metode pengereman threshold braking.


Sebaiknya mengerem jangan menggunakan acuan kecepatan atau rasio. Nggak usah dipikir tapi pakai feeling. Pakai sesuai pengalaman di kondisi jalan.

Pengereman tidak boleh mendadak tapi harus bertahap. Penulis sarankan setengah dulu, lalu ditambah perlahan sampai roda mencicit. Bila roda sudah mencicit jangan ditambah lagi tekanannya.

Kalau perlu latihan pada kondisi jalan berbeda sehingga kita bisa siap bila sewaktu waktu butuh pengereman mendadak. Belajar bagaimana mengerem maksimal hingga ban bisa mencicit tanpa ngelock. Belajar bagaimana bisa mencapai jarak pengereman yang diinginkan hanya dengan sekali menyesuaikan daya pengereman.

Walau kedalaman rem belakang bisa berubah, namun kita masih bisa pakai acuan tekanan. Sehingga kebiasaan yang kita dapat dengan latihan masih akan bisa berlaku walau misal rem belakang mulai aus.

Safety driving perlu latihan dan pembiasaan juga.

Jangan mengandalkan rem depan saja. Dalam kondisi darurat pergunakan rem belakang dulu baru rem depan. Jangan samakan dengan motogp yang arenanya dijamin nggak licin dan ban jauh lebih pakem.

Mohon baca juga artikel berikut sebagai pelengkap teknik pengereman:

Teknik aman berkendara cepat di jalan lurus dan tikungan
Safety riding kok jadi lomba ketangkasan, teori rem yang diajarkan juga ada yang ngawur berbahaya
Teori weight transfer bisa menjelaskan mengapa mendahulukan rem depan bisa bikin celaka


Selain di Indonesia, ternyata di Inggris juga ada pelajaran sangat ketat soal pakai rem depan dulu, dan raio 70/30. Ada cerita menarik dimana ada yang kena batunya saat praktek soal ini:
When I was training up as a CBT instructor many years ago

Scoots did have a TMax at one point but dunno if that’s what he’s still riding.

Scoots and superscoots do handle very differently on the brakes to conventional bikes, the exact balance depends on the bike, the lighter and short wheelbase 50s in particular you have to be very careful indeed with the front brake.

When I was training up as a CBT instructor many years ago, I was sent out to do practice e-stops on all the bikes we used “so you know how they react when the trainees are riding them”. No problem on the CGs, the SR125s or the MTX… then I got on the Honda Express thingie with a shopping basket!

I noticed the other instructors had lined up to watch… accelerated (!) up to speed (!!!) and applied the brakes. Instantly the front locked with the slightest touch. EEK! Recovered the slide and stopped. Guffaws of laughter.

Apparently it was some sort of “initiation rite” to see if the newbie had listened too hard to the front brake first/rear brake second 75/25 “rule” during the week’s intensive course. Apparently I was replacing the previous new instructor who crashed it and broke his arm.

52 respons untuk ‘Safety riding mengerem mendadak mendahulukan rem depan itu sangat berbahaya, ngerem tidak bisa pakai angka rasio

  1. Kalo saya biasanya pake rem belakang baru rem depan. Tetapi, rem belakang saya lebih pakem dari rem depan. Jadi, jarak ngerem belakang juga jadi pendek (harusnya rem depan yang pendek jaraknya kan?


    • Iya juga. Jadi nggak cocok bila sistem berbeda.

      Jadi ingat dulu kan rem depan masih pakai tromol, tidak ada yang bahas rem pakai rasio rasioan. Karena ditekan full saja tidak akan bisa selip rodanya.

      Disukai oleh 1 orang

  2. Kalo panic braking dalam kondisi kering: tekan keras depan belakang bergantian, tapi harus pake feeling jangan sampe slip
    Kondisi basah berpasir: belakang agak keras, baru depan ditekan sedikit.. tekan bergantian..


    • Pro capacitor bukan capacitor tapi alat yang berdesain seperti kapasitor namun dengan prinsip dasar berbeda. tidak butuh listrik untuk bisa bekerja namun bisa mempengaruhi kerja pembakaran lewat induksi.

      Untuk motor bisa dipasang 3 buah. Dua di selang bensin, satu di kabel busi. Namun cara pemasangan berbeda beda untuk beda kendaraan. Efek maksimal perlu di trial and error. Kalau pas maka suara knalpot pun bisa berubah. Yang di CB katanya sampai bisa mengeluarkan bunga api saat di bleyer.


  3. Di jalan berpasir kering kalau bisa sebaiknya menghindar atau kurangi kecepatan, saya pernah mengalami ndlosor saat melewati jalan berpasir kering karena ngerem mendadak dengan rem belakang duluan…padahal kecepatan motor tidak tinggi sebab didepan sudah dekat lampu merah.


  4. Interesting, sad that poor knowledge is being used instead of physics. The front brake for the majority of braking, should be used first.

    The reason why the front brake is recommended to be used before the rear is the initial transfer of weight forward. If the rear brake is applied first, as the transfer of weight goes forward and often causes the rear wheel to loose traction. Cause and effect.

    We teach progressive brake usage, squeeze a brake lever, never pull or grab. Because again, the sudden application of a brake can cause a wheel to loose traction. We practice this through repeated sessions of virtual emergency stop scenarios, where an Instructor will raise a hand to simulate a child stepping into the road or another hazard.

    It is also very important to note that in the later stages of breaking the pressure on the brakes should be relaxed as it can again lead to skidding as the traction forces are reduced.

    This is not a matter for debate, these are scientific facts based on how a motorcycle works and the technique has been used to train people to Police Advanced standards for many years. Many have thought they knew better, but non have proved that they do. That is why it has been accepted as best practice.

    There is also far more to this than just which brake to use first or the amount of pressure applied. Sometimes we can use the back brake only to tighten a turn or control the flow at low speed. We have to match the amount of braking with cornering forces due to the limitations of traction.

    Here is just a couple of things to look at:-

    Klik untuk mengakses motorcycle-roadcraft-chapter7.pdf


    • No, at the beginning of the braking, the front brake do not have as much grip compared to when the load transfer to the front. No, your references do not explain the relationship between load transfer and the front tire grip. Before braking, the front tire do not have grip as much as after the load transfer to the front.


      What is the logic of “The front brake for the majority of braking, should be used first.” ? I use the rear brake first because at the beginning of braking, the front still do not have much load, so it has less traction. After the load transfer to the front, I would use the front.

      Why do you avoid locking the front but do not avoid locking the rear? that is not logical. If you know that you will lock the rear, then don’t push the rear brake too hard. Why don’t you use progressive brake at the rear too?

      Does your training involve in training in slippery road condition too?

      A fraction of progressive front brake that will produce light braking in good road condition, can be too much in a bad road condition, because the front tire still do not receive the load. The loss of traction of the front tire is not as forgiving as the rear tire, even if it happen on straight.

      Of course if your motorcycle is equipped with ABS, you can always use the wrong method safely.


      • This is complete and utter rubbish. The front brake can be used for up to 95% of braking in the dry. While on wet surfaces the average estimate is about 50 to 75%. This is the standard recommendation from motorcycle tyre manufacturers and from professional motorcycle Instructors including Police advanced Roadcraft trainers in the UK. It is not subject to debate as it is based on the fundamental physics of how a motorcycle works.

        All because you lack the training and skills to stop a bike safely and correctly, does not make doing it wrong the better option. What it means is you require the correct training and proper practice in how to do it correctly.


        • No. It seems that you still do not understand what I am trying to say. that 95% is after the load transfer, after the motorcycle lean to the front. Yes, front tire do the most job during braking, but that is after the motorcycle lean to the front. But that is not a reason to use the front brake first.

          That 95% is also an ambigous term. people may think that you have to squeeze the front brake lever 95% harder than the rear, which is wrong.

          You mention that you have to brake progressively. So you know that you can not use maximum front braking force at the beginning. My suggestion is to replace this step with rear brake.

          Do you know that Honda combined ABS have delay valve only for front brake?


          • I know about linked braking systems and would never ride a bike with one fitted as I consider them to be dangerous. I am sorry to hear you are stuck with one. Poor you.

            But doing something the wrong way simply because of a badly designed bike does not make it right.


            • Do you really think that I never try your way? I did. and I have near fall three times just from what I remember. I try both way, and I consider using the front brake first is stupid and dangerous. I have enough bad experience with that.

              I think the main difference between our opinion is:

              – you think that you always smart enough to properly adjust front brake force on any road condition. I think you assume anyone that have accident because of front brake is stupid. You think they fall because they are not smart enough to squeeze instead of pull . You think they do not understand the importance of progressive front brake. You think their fall is their make mistake.

              – I think they fall precisely because someone like you teach them to use front brake first. Yes, even Indonesian safety riding instructor teach people to use front brake first. But I think that only work if the bike is equipped with ABS. Sadly, most bike in Indonesia do not have ABS. Sadly loosing front tire grip in most bike in Indonesia often resulted in fall.
              – I think that no one is smart enough to adjust front brake force according to any road condition. I believe using front brake safely on any condition is a godly skill. That is not a skill for common people. That skill demand too much. So, when common people use it on an unpredictable road condition, they are more likely to get an accident. No, I don’t think learning in a closed circuit is enough, because the road condition vary a lot, unlike closed circuit.

              In conclusion, no. I won’t use your dangerous way. I will continue to teach people to use rear brake first. Because I have many bad experience of using front brake first. There are dozens of people get self accident with CBS bike precisely because the front brake work first. So, I will forbid people from using the front brake first.


            • I do not think! I know!

              This is not a personal opinion like yours. This is from 75 Years of combined motorcycle training experience.
              Thousands of riders who are taught how to stop. Hundreds every day, as part of their Compulsory Basic Training courses in the UK.

              This has nothing to do with personal opinion and everything to do with the physics of how a bike works and best practice developed over many years.

              Your opinion is irrelevant! Just a reflection of the fact you have never been taught to do it correctly. In the UK, you would have legally been required to take proper tuition before being allowed to ride your bike. The reason for this basic training is to address faults such as people insisting applying the rear brake first is better!


            • Thanks for the video link. But, why do I have the impression that you think I will sacrifice my stopping time / braking distance when I use rear brake first? No, I will not have that problem. I can stop as good as people that use front brake first. I am more afraid of bike behind me use front brake and sliding with the whole bike sweeping the road. Like this one:

              In 75 years of experience, what do they say about braking with the rear first? What kind of danger will occur?

              Have you ever try to use rear brake first? What do you thing the danger is?

              No, your previous claim, that the rear will lock and the bike will slide all the way, only apply to people that do not use the front brake at all. It won’t happen if you use the front brake after rear brake. What I suggest is just to change the sequence.

              People that use front brake will stop faster? no, I don’t agree. Because you obviously do not teach people to use maximum force at the beginning right? If you teach people to use light front brake first, why is it wrong to use light rear brake first? Using rear brake first prevent from front tire loosing traction at the beginning, when the front tire still have poor traction.

              You teach “squeeze don’t pull”. You think that squeeze is safe. I think that squeezing front brake first is still dangerous.

              I guess if people who use front brake first get accident, even if they claim they already squeeze it, you will not believe them and tell them to squeeze it more lightly. If they get accident again, even they claim they already try to squeeze more lightly, you will still not believe them and still tell them to squeeze it even more lightly. You are asking the impossible thing.

              A 1/10 force may be considered as light squeeze in dry condition, but it may be too much for slippery road condition. In that case, people may need 1/50 force. Can even people do that? Then if people really able to do that, it won’t be good in a good road, because they will brake too soft. To make your method work, people must be able to predict the road condition. You are asking the impossible thing. The road condition can change in a way people can not detect it.


            • The sad thing about this is you are so sure that you are right. This is called conformation bias.
              You offer no supporting evidence for your thinking other than your inability to use the brakes correctly.

              No there is not a rule that says “Do not use the rear brake first”, but thousands of students every year have been taught the correct way to stop, so by default, have been taught to use the front brake before the rear. It does not take rules to do it correctly. What happens is that the rider must stop without locking the rear wheel. If they apply the rear brake first then they have a far greater chance of locking the rear wheel and sliding to a halt. This is considered a loss of control and therefore often an instant fail. The whole reason we teach front brake first is to stop that from happening.

              This is a base line fail, goes with another reason for locking the rear wheel / failing the test, which is disengaging the clutch too early.

              If you were actually put alongside someone who knew how to use the brakes correctly, then you would see the difference it makes. Transferring the weight first means there is less chance of locking the rear wheel. While the front brakes being the most efficient, enable the bike to stop as quickly as possible.

              This is not a matter of debate, this is scientific fact.

              Now if you want to continue doing something the wrong way well, then you can continue improving your skills at stopping that way. But it will never be as good as doing it the right way to start with.


            • instant loss fail? are you sure?

              Your previous link mention this:
              Motorcycle Roadcraft – The Police Rider’s Handbook – Chapter 7 – Page 157-158

              Of the two types of skid a rear wheel skid is the more controllable. There is very little time to recognise, react to and correct a front wheel skid, so make every effort to avoid one.

              That is not my opinion, that is the opinion from what you think as the correct source of information. From that perspective, using front brake first (that increase the chance front tire skid) is more dangerous than using rear tire brake first (that increase the chance of rear tire skid). Using rear brake first is an attempt to avoid front wheel skid. Your teaching of using the front brake first is a violation of that statement.

              I never refute the fact that front brake is the most efficient stopper. I suggest rear brake first to increase safety. I still use both brake. So if you argue that my stopping distance is longer, you are wrong. I tried to stop from 60km/hour yesterday for a few time on irregular tarmac and paved road, I can stop in few seconds. Sure, I can stop with front brake first at that time, but I doubt I can stop quicker than that. I think I stop much quicker than what is demonstrated in your previous video link. Maybe because my bike is lighter.

              Yes, I am sure I am right because I have decades of bad experience trying front brake first too, mostly because I am lazy to use rear brake first most of the time. After realize that using front brake during lazy moment start to become a bad habit in unexpected moment, I decide to not lazy anymore and always use rear brake first then front brake on any occasion.

              How many years have you tried to use the rear brake first?

              I guess you agree that your method demand a higher skill. It would be fine if the road is always in good condition. Your method is dangerous when applied on a country that the road condition can become unpredictable everyday, on a bike without ABS, with poor balance.

              Try to ride scooter once in a while, the small one. Most people in Indonesia ride a scooter or moped. I think Thailand is the same too. Loosing front tire traction in this kind of bike will make the bike instantly fall, I doubt anyone can react the same way of touring motorcycle. Don’t teach them the method that only safe on a sport bike with ABS. I start to suspect that your wrong method may be the main reason why ABS in a mandatory in Europe. Because without ABS, your wrong teaching will surely make people get an accident.


            • The silly thing is here that you are trying to second guess a system while trying to prove your own conformation bias, when the system itself proved your hypothesis wrong years ago and continues to do so on a daily basis.

              Anybody doing the basic CBT course in the UK is taught how to do an E-stop on their first day of training. Many, scared of the front brake, will try to stop using rear brake first, or only the rear brake. Overcoming the fear of the front brake is what we teach. Making sure they apply front brake first is how we get them to stop the lose of control from the rear.

              So from day one of basic training, to Police Advance Gold ROSPA standard, the manner in which we teach people to apply the brakes does not change. This is because it is based on physics and years of looking at what works best.

              By applying the rear brake first, then transferring weight forward, you risk loosing traction at the rear or extending the braking distance. That is a statement of fact. Your personal mission to prove your conformation bias is irrelevant.


            • For 75 years, is there anyone that do comparison between using front brake first vs rear brake first?

              I am not scared before. I am scared to use front brake first now. After I almost fall few times using front brake. Some of them is not in a panic situation, I already push the front brake first lightly as usual, but the road is more slippery that what I predicted, front tire slip, force me to use my leg to prevent the bike from falling to the side, I have to hop few times because the bike still go forward. That is my fault from not “squeeze don’t pull” then?

              With how stubborn you are I guess the accident drop a lot after the ABS implementation right? Yes, with your kind of teaching, all bike must have ABS. Since the safety driving instructor here also teach like you, I do hope the ABS become mandatory here too. It would be bad if people start to believe your kind of teaching.

              You still claim that using rear brake first can extend braking distance. I do hope there are people who try to compare the braking distance. Even if it extend braking distance for newbie, I think that is ok because it will be safer for newbie. ABS sacrifice braking distance for more control.

              Then they have to learn to be quick on activating front brake after the rear brake make the bike lean to the front.

              I cover my brake because not covering my brake make me hard to find the lever in time of panic, and when I finally able to grab the brake, it is often resulted in excessive force. I choose to crush my finger instead of not having time to use the brake at all or have too much brake force.

              My maximum braking is when I make both tire make screech noise, but unlike the noise when the tire loose traction, I am not locking the wheel. In a dry and good road, I dare to use front brake first. But I won’t anymore because that is a bad habit that will cause danger in other situation


            • Like I have repeatedly said, this is not my opinion.

              But as you want to insist you are right, regardless of the evidence, then I am not going to argue further.

              You keep teaching what you are so sure of, just a shame your ignorance is being shared with others.


            • Yes “personal experience”, I do not base all of what I teach on personal experience. We share ideas and best practice with others. Our advice on E-stops has evolved over many years to offer the best advice possible.
              One that is also backed up with the physics of how a motorcycle works.

              Yes, not all of what is taught at CBT or even test and advanced level in the UK do I agree with. I used to, UK Police Roadcraft is still one of the best, if not the best, compliance based approach to road rider training in the world.
              However new advances in understanding how humans work and how accidents happen has brought us forward into new approaches to address rider safety, moving on from compliance based rule systems. See

              However, across the board, we all agree on the fundamental principles of how to stop a motorcycle and that comes down to under normal conditions (I.E. except for when it is exceptionally slippery such as ice or oil) that the front should come on first in order to transfer the weight forward.

              End of line!


            • You said that your method is the same as 75 years ago in CBT. I read that some of the teaching are front brake first and 70:30 ratio.

              I believe that bike today is different from bike 75 years ago in regard of braking system. I owned a couple of bike with front drum brake. After that a couple of bike with front disc brake. Both behave very differently. On a bike with front drum brake, the front tire will not easily slip even with maximum force. It is the opposite on a bike with front disc brake, the front tire will easily slip if we are not careful.

              Bike now also vary a lot from 75 years ago. There are bike that can only rely on front brake during braking today, sport bike with a lot of grip. But there are also bike with small tire that have too much weight at the rear today too (so front tire have much less traction normally), scooter.

              When the teaching material was made 75 years ago, I believe there should be a serious research backing them. When the brake technology / implementation change, have there ever serious research that review the current teaching? It is ok if you do not know, I will try to find this kind of research too.

              Or, will you insist that the same technique 75 years ago, still apply to today’s motorcycle even if the motorcycle today is different from 75 years ago? You said evolve but you said they have been teaching the same technique for 75 years. You said backed up with the physics of how a motorcycle works, but which motorcycle is that? Same technique can be used on all modern motorcycle available on the market today? ok, but where is the data , where is the research for that?

              btw, how different is the police motorcycle today with 75 years ago?


            • There is no rule that forbid the test candidate from using the rear brake first in UK’s examiner’s guidance.
              GOV.UK Guidance for driving examiners carrying out driving tests (DT1) – 02: The motorcycle test

              The guidance that driving examiners should follow when conducting the motorcycle test.

              2.09: Module 1 test requirements
              Emergency Stop
              The minimum speed requirement for this exercise is 50km/h (about 32mph). Candidates are required to demonstrate their ability to stop as quickly and safely as possible whilst retaining control of their machine.

              The examiner should stand in a safe position near the controlled stopping box where they can observe correct use of both brakes. As soon as the front wheel has passed the speed measuring device the examiner should give the signal to stop with their right arm. Both brakes should be used effectively, however late or no use of the rear brake could be assessed as a rider fault if the machine stops quickly and under control. Very late or ineffective use of the front brake is not acceptable even if the machine is fitted with linked brakes.

              Late use of rear brake become a fault. The use of front brake after rear brake would only be unacceptable if it is very late. And I don’t teach that to people. I teach people to use front brake right after the bike lean to the front, which should happen very fast.


  5. Alhamdulillah masih ada blogger yg kritis spt Pak Cahyo. Ngeri jg saya baca argument org thailand td he..he.. berarti paham ini sudah menyebar dimana2 apalagi udah puluhan tahun lebih. Saya mesti banyak belajar lg nih. Kurangnya ilmu apalagi gagal paham bisa bikin sesat, lebih bahaya lagi bisa menyesatkan yg lain. Matur Nuwun Pak, semoga di anugrahi ilmu2 yg bermanfaat Fiddaroin.


    • Terima kasih, semoga bisa berguna. Iya, cara pengereman ini banyak dipakai namun sayangnya tidak pernah diuji lagi. Banyak juga yang menentang ajaran ini sebenarnya, sedang saya buat artikelnya.


  6. […] Teknik pengereman pakai rasio ini adalah ilmu turun temurun. Kalau dari sejarah, katanya penggunaan rasio untuk pengereman ini sudah diterapkan sejak dari 75 tahun yang lalu. Yang bilang itu adalah thairoadcraft. Berikut kutipannya: Safety riding mengerem mendadak mendahulukan rem depan itu sangat berbahaya, ngerem tidak bisa pakai… […]


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