Kasus unik recall KTM Duke 125 dan 390, untuk apa sih lampu depan dikendalikan pakai software sehingga bisa reboot sendiri?

Menurut penulis kasus recall ini aneh karena kok lampu depan bisa mati karena bug di software.

Beritanya sebagai berikut:
KTM issue recall for 125 and 390 Duke

KTM have issued a recall of their 125 and 390 Duke motorcycles after it was found that there were some issues with the headlight. The recall will address the issue by carrying out a software update that addresses the issue.

A statement from KTM reads, “During the internal endurance testing, KTM experienced some cases of sporadic reboots of the LED headlight. As this may lead to potentially dangerous riding situations, the software of the headlight needs to be updated as soon as possible.”

Dikatakan bahwa KTM telah mengeluarkan recall untuk produk motor Duke 125 dan 390 setelah ditemukan masalah pada lampu depan. Recall dilakukan untuk memperbaiki hal tersebut dengan mengupdate software yang bisa mengatasi masalah.

Pernyataan dari KTM menyebutkan bahwa dalam uji ketahanan internal, lampu LED depan KTM mengalami beberapa kali reboot secara acak. Ini dapat mengakibatkan potensi bahaya saat berkendara, software dari lampu depan perlu di update sesegera mungkin.


Istilah update software ini membuat penulis bertanya tanya.

Mengapa kok lampu depan pakai software segala? Fungsinya untuk apa softwarenya? Kok hebat softwarenya bisa diupdate? Saat softwarenya reboot sendiri bagaimana dengan mesinnya? Apa software lampu depan terpisah dari software pengendali motor?

Beda dengan jaman dulu ya. Kalau lampunya nyala mati maka yang di benahi kabel, kontak ke lampu atau saklarnya. Nah ini canggih, yang dibenahi softwarenya. Tapi ini juga menunjukkan bahwa menyalakan pakai software nambah nambahi masalah.

Untuk apa lampu KTM dinyalakan pakai software ya?

10 respons untuk ‘Kasus unik recall KTM Duke 125 dan 390, untuk apa sih lampu depan dikendalikan pakai software sehingga bisa reboot sendiri?

  1. pabrikan sprtinya pusing mau jualan fitur apa,,
    hingga fitur yg tidak brguna sprti ini dipakai,,
    apa susahnya nyalain lampu tinggal pencet saklar,,lampu mati tinggal ganti,,


  2. Lampu led setau ane pke kontroller berupa ic, ic bsa bekerja dg firmware yg disuntikkan untuk bekerja sebagai driver atau panduan kontroller untuk bekerja mungkin itu yg masalah, jdi perlu update


    • Itu yang saya herankan. Memang LED pakai chip, tapi setahu saya fungsinya sederhana, seperti halnya lampu LED untuk rumah 10 ribuan. Yang di KTM canggih banget pakai firmware, dan hebatnya bisa diupdate juga. Sistemnya pastinya mahal banget.


    • Sip. terima kasih banyak infonya. review tersebut komplit banget. Untuk referensi bagi yang lain, bagian led:

      The LED headlight is one of the eye catching feature of the bike. The bike supports automatic headlight ON in low beam. The system has a few quirks though. They are explained below –

      – When the engine is OFF, and the low beam is selected, only the claw shaped DRLs are turned ON. The low beam or the center section of DRLs does not operate with the engine being OFF.
      – When the engine is OFF, and the high beam is selected, both the claw shaped DRLs as well as all 3 sections of LEDs come ON. This is the high beam. It can operate even with the bike switched OFF.
      – The same behaviour as above is repeated for the high beam with the engine being ON.
      – When the engine is ON, and low beam is selected, the claw shaped DRLs always remains ON and either the top row of low beam LEDs or the middle row of DRLs will be turned ON. Whichever comes ON is decided by 2 factors – when DRL mode is OFF in the console, low beam is turned ON. With the DRL mode ON, the ambient light sensor decides to turn on either the middle row of DRLs (during day time) or the top row of low beam LEDs (during night time). Thus in effect, DRL mode in the console controls the automatic headlight ON system. With DRL mode being ON, low beam will be turned ON as needed and with the DRL mode being OFF, the low beam will be always turned ON.

      The ambient light sensor has good detection thresholds and thus can operate both the console display mode as well as the automatic headlight feature reliably. However it may behave slightly erratically during dawn, dusk, foggy or rainy conditions.


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